I'm so excited, I found a small rental home, or casita in Sedona, AZ to stay through the winter!
Whaaaaat? I thought this was supposed to be a 4 month adVANture???!!! It’s only been three months! What about the mobile migratory lifestyle? What about returning to Seattle, and the March for Innocence event scheduled for October 20, 2024?
Well…things do evolve!
I’m what you call a writerovert. That’s like an introvert or extrovert, but where one's personality is characterized by writing. In other words, through writing, I come to know myself. Journaling and reflecting back are essential for me to know what’s true and find perspective. Others might find themselves through poetry, or music; I’d call them poetverts and musicverts, respectively. What kind of “vert” are you? ❤️
So when I wrote in my last blog post at the end (as if by afterthought), about my biggest challenges of #vanlife, upon reflection I realized that not having found a fixed home in a city where I can set up my office/clinic yet was really weighing on me. Though this trip has been amazing, the lack of home base for reliable electricity, temperature control, and a yard for Sparky were taking its toll in stress. I’m a Taurus, born April 21st, and “making home” is an deeply important value of mine. Last Spring I left Seattle and made home in Goldievan, and Goldie took me and Sparky to so many gorgeous fun places I’ve written about here! She’s been my womb on wheels, holding us in cozy comfort while we traveled, rested and wrote. But wherever we went, we were always a visitor. My spirit was telling me I had SOAARed long enough, and was now needing to grow more roots than wings.
A home is more than a place with four walls and a roof, and it’s a concept that extends past your house and into many areas of your life, from where you work to the community you reside in and the people you choose to interact with each day. Home is a refuge and a sanctuary, where you are free to be the best version of yourself. —Janes Corporation
Living in my cozy van-womb for three months (one trimester) has been deeply healing, because as a survivor of OEA, I’ve had to face recurring somatic-intuitive symptoms of horrific womb torture, where my mother was restrained and I was radiated while inside her. I believe she was also injected with poison, impacting us both. 💔❤️🩹
Traumatic memories like these can be catalyzed by calendar anniversaries, and I’ve noticed that a pattern of chaos often shows up in my life around Feb-Mar-Apr, the same months my mom was in her last trimester and the pre-birth torture would have been occurring. I’ve moved multiple times in my life during that time of year, unaware of the pre-birth chaos that had caused implicit trauma (non-conscious injuries), which were still being reenacted. In 2024, Feb-Mar-Apr were the months my West Seattle house had a water (emotion) leak, I was broken up with, I got mold poisoning, and I was in a mild fender-bender. I wrote about my efforts to turn all this to the good in my very first blog post.
[If you’re wondering how I can know that womb torture occurred to my mom and babyself though I was not even born yet, it's been a process of noticing patters of somatic (body) sensations that repeat annually and other impressions; exploring in journaling, meditation and prayer, therapy, and spiritual counseling; body-energy work, and matching my intuitive awareness with standard OEA torture methods from others’ accounts. Sadly, what was tested on me and many other TBMC survivors was then worked into standard “well-baby care protocols” in the Western medical system, usually below the threshold of killing the babies, but enough to cause them discomfort/pain. The Death-Cult loves to trick parents into letting them hurt babies while insisting they’re offering vitally important interventions.] 😔 🤬
Anyway, a “Post-Trauma Triumph” for me was resolving the problems in our Seattle home, securing a safer “womb” this spring (my new campervan), and having (pretty good) temperature control and the ability to turn on and off the Starlink wifi (radiation)*. It has been a corrective experience mirrored to me in current life.
*If you don’t already know that wifi routers can cause harmful radiation, it’s important you learn about this for your future health, and the health of anyone who lives in your home, if you use wifi. I recommend turning off your wifi at night (this does not harm the equipment at all), and studying the groundbreaking work of my friend and author Elana Freeland, summarized here in this video below.
Remember, what was tested on children in MKULTRA and other programs was done to ascertain what worked on us, so it could then be perpetrated on the masses...that means everyone. The Death-Cult seeks to make every home into a radiated “womb” via our very own '“modems.” Modern Mass Mind Control is to come not through chair-restraint-torture like I went through, but through covert remote electronic control…
A modem is a hardware which connects to a computer, broadband network or wireless router. Modem converts information between analogue and digital formats in real time making seamless two-way network communication. The full form of Modem or mod-dem stands for modulator–demodulator.
This risk is real, and amplified (irreverent pun intended;) for MKULTRA survivors who are not following cult commands.
On my birthday in 2018 I suffered a targeted attack that included a rear-end car accident (fortunately Sparky wasn’t in the car) and subsequent electronic harassment in my home. My energy and health declined as I navigated cognitive damage from a concussion, and daily chronic pain. I grew sensitive to electronics and struggled to function. As always, I mobilized every intervention accessible to me, which thankfully included a deep pocket insurance claim, massive health and bodywork, and community support. Yet I was still not getting better. I was diagnosed by my doctor as having a chronic unexplained illness called Epstein-Barr virus.
I researched, meditated and prayed for more solutions. In my journal, I wrote complaints about feeling a strange psychic pain caused by some kind of “white scream,” which looked intuitively like a staticky TV screen. I wondered about electrical hazards, and spent almost $1,000 to hire a commercial “Building Biologist” to evaluate my home for possible sources of electronic interference. We found them, and I followed most of the remedies suggested in the final EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency) Report. This, plus the other tasks to balance my life physically (nutritional changes, supplements, massage, energy work), emotionally (12-Step and therapy support), mentally (barometric oxygen helped a ton, plus rest and avoiding electronics) and spiritually (hiring several different coach-spiritual practitioners familiar with electronic and other forms of targeted harassment) worked, and I fully recovered!
You can look at my 2018 EMF Report summary, here. Thankfully, since then I’ve been care-full about EMF’s and raising my multidimensional vibrancy, and seem to have developed the ability to exist at a level where I don’t feel so affected by them.
My key strategy is this guided meditation, a “Bubble of Love” intended for daily use in the am/pm and whenever needed, until its protection feels automatic. It works on all levels - etheric, electronic, human - love conquers all. 🙏🙏🙏
So, in 2024, Where to Make Home?
Of all the places I've been this trip, Sedona, AZ remains my favorite. I kept staying here longer and canceling other trips away, because I couldn’t imagine anywhere else being better than here. But I found out it’s not easy to stay in Sedona long term if you live in a van.
Turns out, Sedona land is made up of many housing developments which have formed HOA's or Homeowner's Associations. Because the locals don’t want Sedona to turn into a vanlife Mecca with vans in almost every other driveway like Bend, OR, they’ve enacted strict ordinances to forbid RVs from parking more than a day or two in any one place. And they will tow ‘em!
So if I wanted to stay longer in Sedona, and have reliable electricity to work as a video coach, I needed to find a fixed dwelling. I started searching at the Los Abrigados hotel, looking for a long-term suite rental there to stay near the salt pool🥰, and reached out to the manager, but was told no, only short stays are possible. Darn!
I went online, joining a couple of Sedona housing search groups and scouring Zillow and local realtors. Turns out, there’s a LOT of single people looking to move here, especially for the winter! Prices were very high, and places were either too big, or slapped together in a way that seemed more about making a quick buck than caring about who moved in. Nah.
Discouraged, I turned to prayer (it would be far more efficient if I always do this FIRST, but I forget), in the form of a walk around the beautiful “Los Abs” grounds. My intuition gently called me to sit down near a pond with a lively fountain, get quiet, and look within…so I did. As my breath slowed and the gurgling watersounds tickled my ears, I sensed the presence of a loving female spirit. My impression was that she was a powerful lightbeing who, while embodied on earth, was native to the land under Los Abrigados, and that her people pre-dated the white settlers who claim history here.
I opened my eyes and noticed I’d sat by a sculpture fountain, partially hidden behind leaves, which looked ancient. It depicted a woman with a basket on her head…maybe this was her!
She told me there had been a massacre on the land, and a genocide in the past in the Verde Valley, which included the people where Sedona now exists. More ancestor trauma! Per her, any modern historical reports that the original settlers had mysteriously moved away are a lie; they were exterminated by violent, greedy colonizers. She telepathically showed me how she lost her daughter during the land theft violence, and I sensed deep love with a faint sense of sadness.
You want to make home on this land, but you asked the white man, she said. That’s the wrong place to seek permission to be here. If you want to make peaceful home here, you must ask us, the true land guardians.
So I asked her in my thoughts, could I live on her land? The hotel and pool were so beautiful, perhaps she could help me find an exception and stay there?
I sensed her warm approval, but she said, you will need more land and love than this place [Los Abs] can give you.
Of course! I wanted to start a garden again! And Sparky needed a yard! Inspired, I redoubled my search, until I spoke with a realtor who told me I could rent in any HOA neighborhood, if I sold or stored my van elsewhere.
Yep, according to the Homeowner’s Association, no RVs parked in view for more than two days in most of the city (the parts I’d want to live) unless you have a garage…and big RV garages are incredibly rare here.
This was a big blow. My heart told me that a more permanent dwelling was best for me and Sparky, at least for the winter, but how could I sell Goldie? I found some paid storage places in nearby Cottonwood, but to pay to store my vehicle and buy another vehicle seemed wasteful and sad. And could I even find a place in my price range I liked? I didn’t want to return to overworking to earn more money…what to do? I went back to prayer, still checking Zillow and other housing sites…
And, miraculously, I found one! The cutest! A yard with a fence! Kind landladies who lived next door! A space for gardening! On a totally quiet street, with external views of the majestic Sedona rock formations all around us, yet just down the street from Natural Grocers, Interdependence Food Co-op, and other great shops. I called, applied on pure faith, and I was offered the casita…if only I could get rid of my campervan. Yep, their HOA had the same rules, no Goldie. Confused and fearful, I gave the whole thing to God, said I’d get back to them, and went to sleep.
I awoke with an inspiration! I could ask my Sedona friend Heather, who has definitely proven to be a soul-sister, to trade her car for Goldie, on a loan basis! Since she’s been living in her car for over five years, evading multidimensional harassment herself and determinedly collecting information about the Death-Cult corruption from other house-less people, the van might be a welcome change for her. She already knew all the spots to park in the city and not be hassled, and she didn’t need to plug in for work regularly like I do. Since it turns out she is cleaner and more organized than I am, her Ford C-Max Hybrid is in excellent shape.
Heather was keen on the idea, giddy actually! Hooray, win-win! A practical trade was in the works! And isn’t it interesting that these vehicles are exactly the same color…gold?
I've got one more big van trip coming up, (Heather will casita-sit), so stay tuned for more Advantures to come. And plans are underway for another kind of public activism event to replace the 2024 Seattle March for Innocence, in Sedona, AZ…time will tell!
It is truly providence to find a place so close to great grocery stores! I love Natural Grocers, and local food coops! I believe that you will find excellent community (and lots of alternative health books) there.
OH MY GOODNESS ANASTASIA What a perfect place to plant your flag for awhile. As Always you find a great solution to your challenges. I love you and that you share so much with us all. I'll be stopping by for a visit for sure, let's get me on our calendar. Becca