Galactic Spiritual Informer's (UFO/ET) Connection: Just a Comic Book Cult, or Something Far More Sinister?
This post has taken me a while to write, because I’ve been grieved by this experience and needed time to process my fatigue, disappointment, anger, and confusion. It’s been heavy.
I wasn’t sure the Galactic & Spiritual Informers Connection conference would live up to its grandiose website promise, but I didn’t expect things to be as difficult as they turned out to be. I made up the name “PROJECT STAREYES” to describe my experience. I did indeed start out star-eyed. This was my first UFO conference, and when I recorded myself for my Telegram channel departing for the “GSIC,” I felt hopeful and very excited to attend!
Not even the most ardent skeptic could deny at least the existence of the "UFO" phenomenon, if only in the simple sense of "things you see in the sky," as Carl Gustav Jung said about the appearance and disappearance of "unidentified flying objects."
Suffice it to say that the most careful and scrupulous studies on the thousands and thousands of sightings recorded, starting from the "famous" year 1947, have in any case left almost a thousand events inexplicable - in terms of normal and usual phenomena of various terrestrial nature.
From the sudden appearances of real "objects" of the most varied shapes, plates, triangles, cylinders, bells, to "celestial photisms"; from the phenomena of distortion of electromagnetic circuits up to the real contactism, a particular and "extreme" chapter of the UFO problem, the jumble of facts has so far struggled to find the corresponding concepts that could somehow interpret it.
- From The Occult War: UFO’s and the Eight Sphere by Andrea Franco, Antroposophy magazine (2003), translated from Italian [Shared by Elisa❤️]
Yes, the GSIC promised a lot. The conference marketing copy:
First Contact has happened for millions of us: WE BELIEVE YOU! Our Presenters are contactees, abductees, forced into off-planet military programs, or silenced on medical and military technology, stolen from the public.
Join the uncensored full disclosure speakers who share the whole truth of reality! Come if you can handle TRUTH! Come be with your Galactic and soul families, WE are not alone!
Our world-renowned speakers include Elena Danaan, Dr. Michael Salla, Alex Collier, Jean Charles Moyen, Melanie Charest, Tony Rodrigues, Jerry Wills, Dr. Christiane Northrup & more!
Being believed! Not being alone! Galactic and Soul Families! Sorta famous people, if you’re a Secret Space Program/UFO nerd! Hearing the WHOLE TRUTH OF REALITY! And, during the Friday and Saturday evening “Skywatch” events, we were promised to see E.T. spaceships!
Surely that special experience was worth a GSIC VIP ticket of $1,272.54? 🤦🏼♀️
I am not a person with a lot of hoarded cash around, but back in May 2024 I’d just sold my house, was feeling whimsical with campervan travel adventure planning, and had some extra savings. I’d suffered a breakup and was feeling lonely, and wanted to level up my galactic intelligence. 👽
As a survivor of childhood Organized Extreme Abuse (MK-ULTRA type Trauma-Based Mind Control, a Pedophile Murder-Porn Ring and Satanic Ritual Abuse), I’m used to having to explore things others don’t believe in or understand, in order to heal. I have Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) and E.T. memories from childhood I am still processing, and thought this kind of event might help me better integrate what it might all mean. So, I splurged for a “golden” ticket (it was actually white, disappointingly) to register early, get to meet the headliners first in book signings, and get an almost front row seat, so I could really see what was going on.
It was interesting timing that right before I got to the event, Ally Carter and her mother Shelly stepped up public disclosure of the horrible Hollywood sex trafficking/enslavement Ally suffered, by naming names - most prominently, P. Diddy, Denzel Washington, Steve Harvey, P!NK, Megan Fox, and the late Joan Rivers. Ally’s testimony includes statements about surviving MK-ULTRA Trauma-Based Mind Control and Satanic Ritual Abuse, including cannibalism, bestiality, and murder pornography.
Because I find her highly credible, I’ve been closely following her Telegram channel and Rumble video releases. Here is a statement from Ally on 10/10/24:
“Talking about a few things. Where is the outrage for the children? People are getting distracted. The cases are being covered. It’s up to you to continue the fight for the children. Please speak up. This is the time. Thank you for praying and sharing. 💜Ally Carter"
Looking back, everything about my experience at the GSIC was influenced by the bravery, clarity and heart for children that Ally Carter role-modeled to me just before I arrived. I put it out of my mind, compartmentalized the atrocities she shared, so I could focus on the conference, yet I could sense Ally’s message loud and clear as it applied to me: “Where is the outrage for the children? People are getting distracted.”
On Thursday evening September 26, 2024, the Galactic Spiritual Informer’s Connection conference registration line was very long, and I felt grateful to get to register quickly. The atmosphere was festive, with a crowd of mostly white people in their 50’s, 60’s and older – I guess they were in the demographic that could afford the tickets. Fellow attendees had traveled to Westminster, CO USA from all over the world.
After registering, I sat on a rock outside the hotel to ground and bask in the sun, but felt a sudden, intensely painful energy in my head, and then a second pain-pulse immediately followed that brought an instant headache. I left and drove to my rented basement apartment in a dog-friendly home nearby, and went to bed very early. I’ve had experiences like this before, but it’s been a while since I felt anything this strong.
Friday morning I returned to the conference, tired and far more guarded, but still hopeful. I took copious notes and pictures all day, recorded on my phone and SOAAR Global News Telegram channel to share with curious friends. Right after I took this one, we were told not to take videos, because they were selling a livestream and recording of the event. Fair enough. This is Dani Henderson, heralded as the event founder:
The 2024 GSIC Conference schedule:
I’ll explain more in part 2 of this story, but after arriving back home, unpacking, and further reflecting on the event, I’m grieved to report my conclusion that this was a false “fun” flag military event - disguised as a fancy, happy UFO conference. My suspicions as to how deep the GSIC deception goes run from a comic book cult pandering scam DUMBs whitewash all the way to electronic attack with blatant war propaganda tied to a transhumanism world domination scheme.
At a minimum, I think they were pre-testing UFO-related “it’s real!” experiential content, and carefully assessing our reactions. This did indeed seem like a United States (corporation) Military Industrial Complex early launch of a new level of “Alien” UFO/UAP public “disclosure,” but I don’t trust the motives of those behind it at all. What was causing my headaches?
From further research, I learned that military surveillance, cult handling and scamming is a theme that runs deeply through the UFO groupie world – this community is seen as full of easy marks. A version of the “Disclosure is Imminent and We Have the LATEST Intel Here” operation has been in play at various alien contact conferences for decades, as have rumors of military involvement hidden behind charismatic event frontmen. Many others have reported the presence of electronic or other forms of attack while attending such past events. When I left early on Saturday, my head was pounding and I was experiencing racing thoughts, mental processing scrambling, balance problems and word-finding difficulty, thankfully only temporarily. That sucked!
As for the GSIC, I’m not yet sure exactly who were the puppets, and who were the puppeteers hiding in the shadows pulling the strings. If you have more information on intentional corruption related to the GSIC, please contact me, I’d like to hear it.
Scam motive? We can start with money: for a large conference with a ticket that did not include all meals or lodging, we can estimate earnings of $61,000+ income from VIP tickets alone (48 VIPs, or three sets of two rows of eight each), and “nearly 1,000” total regular attendees, so we can say 900 more tickets, at half early bird ($480 x 450 = $216,000) and half regular price ($695.90 x 450 = $313,155). This doesn’t include vendor fees (low guestimate $500/vendor) and some number of Live Stream tickets which were also sold for $399 each (low guestimate 50).
Total income estimate: $616,605.
Expenses would have included speaker stipends and costs, hotel space, continental breakfast, a Saturday evening meal and disco dance for VIP ticketholders (I skipped), metal detectors, leadership and staff, and armed, French-speaking bodyguards (!)…even with whatever I’m forgetting, I’d say a tidy profit was guaranteed, but I think they were after more than money. I think they were after our minds, as in group mind control. First us, then the world.
Yep, I fear this conference was created by the same old Death-Cult that has stolen so much of my life force already. 😨 Is this a founded or unfounded fear? You decide for yourself, of course, and I welcome feedback. As for me, I want a refund! None are given, so I’ll have to content myself with a learning experience, and trying to share in a way that may be helpful to others.
What we know for sure – openly verifiable:
1. This was a military event.
Headliners Dani Henderson, Elena Danaan, Dr. Michael Salla, and Tony Rodrigues readily admitted that the conference, though billed as the brainchild of Dani & her beautiful little galactic family, was in fact a collaborative creation with the United States Military and Elena’s alien friends in “The Galactic Federation of Worlds.”
The intriguingly charismatic star of the event was a recently-honorably-discharged-but-not-actually-free Army soldier going by the pseudoinitials “J.P.” I wrote about J.P. in my previous article titled The Cosmic Grandmas and the Ant People.
At the GSIC, J.P. openly stated that he was present as part of a military sanctioned public disclosure operation about the reality of alien/extra-terrestrial beings, who have been working with the secret military for a long time. He said he had to wear this not-at-all-like-Darth-Vader mask for his own security.
To enter the main conference, attendees had to submit to a wave wand or walkthrough metal-detector scanner by a security company, and main speakers were surrounded by vigilant bodyguards whom I overheard speaking in French.
Dani has previously disclosed that the guards there are armed, in this video:
Above center is Dani, to our right is Dr. Michael Salla, GSIC headliner, and our bottom left is Elena Danaan, billed as “The Emissary for the Galactic Federation of Worlds.”
2. Event speakers used repeated sophisticated psychological techniques to persuade the audience that alien beings, though not physically present, were actively collaborating with the conference leaders.
It was clearly stated and unchallenged there were two human-E.T. collaborative organizations orchestrating things behind the scenes of this group:
The Earth Alliance - made up of United States military forces and aliens from the Galactic Federation of Worlds,
The Galactic Federation of Worlds - made up of ET’s from across the galaxy that talk with and spend time with Elena Danaan. Her official title was offered as the “Intergalactic Emissary.”
During her presentation about God, Elena Danaan offered a throwaway line about another organization called “The Galactic Federation of Light,” but she said that one was revealed as a military “psy-op.”
A military psychological operation?
: a military operation usually aimed at influencing the enemy's state of mind through noncombative means (such as distribution of leaflets)
Psyops use a wide array of communications media—including radio and TV broadcasts, loudspeakers, newspapers, magazines, leaflets and even comic books—to help win or prevent wars.—Harold Kennedy
A PSYOP is a form of military operation that targets the emotional and mental state of the enemy.—Mitzi Perdue
"My job in psy-ops is to play with people's heads, to get the enemy to behave the way we want them to behave," says Lt. Colonel Michael Holmes …—Michael Hastings
a CIA psyops/psyop campaign
I decided to learn more about The Galactic Federation of Worlds vs. Light differences.
My initial Internet search yielded two organizations titled “Galactic Federation of Light,” one that sells cool “starseed” hoodies, and another a website centered on “Ashtar,” an E.T. being (or group?) that has a flying saucer near the earth, from whom humans have received channeled communication.
I’ll spare you pictures of the hoodies, but the Ashtar one read:
The Galactic Federation of Light was founded over 4.5 million years ago to prevent inter-dimensional dark forces from dominating and exploiting this galaxy. At present, there are just over 200,000 member star nations, confederations or unions. Approximately 40% are humanoids and the rest are varied forms of sentient beings. Most members of the Galactic Federation are fully conscious beings. There is a galactic federation in each of the inhabited galaxies of our universe.
I knew a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor who was convinced he was an advanced psychic soldier working for a group of ET’s called the Ashtar Collective…was he tortured to believe this by his slave-handlers? He couldn’t hold a job, raged often, was emotionally abusive to his ex-girlfriend, and used psychedelic and other drugs daily to cope. I lost touch with him after his former therapist, myself and a few friends tried to help him break free from his abusive family, and they retaliated by sending a threatening cease-and-desist-or-we-will-go-after-your-license letter to the therapist. He didn’t respond to further messages.
Wait, upon further exploration, it seems that second Galactic Federation of Light link was actually a video game site made by a company called “Roberts Space Industries.” Then again, another video game wiki said Robert Space Industries is an alien ship…apparently named after a video game director named Chris Roberts; another said it was referring to a space trading and combat simulation yet-to-be-released digital product called Star Citizen. Is that the “psy-op” Elena spoke of? Nah, that’s a video game! Video games are never Death-Cult/military created time suck combat simulators to program little boys and girls! 🙄 She must have meant something else…
I keep searching for the real (psy-op) “Galactic Federation of Light” and found this channel on YouTube:
It’s not clear who created this YouTube site, or whether it is supposed to be real or a fantasy or maybe even another video game. AI-generated spiritual propaganda?
I found another video by a sincere-seeming presenter named Russ Curtis, PhD, called The Theory of the Galactic Federation of Light:
While further researching Elena Danaan’s Galactic Federation of Worlds, I came across this website,, copywrite 1997-2024, that doesn’t even mention Danaan! Do lots of people talk about the same GFW, or is this a different one?
Hey that looks like the A.A. symbol…with angel wings?
This GFW site was founded by another woman, self-described as “Nibiruan Council messenger, mother, researcher, teacher, counselor, and visionary entrepreneur,” named Jelaila Starr, and it states her husband is Jonathan Starr. His bio states that he’s recovered from addiction, which may explain the inspiration of their website logo…
I happen to know that “J” names can be significant, from my experience in the cult. One of my alter personality cult operative’s names was “Jessica Starr;” interesting coincidence. I listened to a free recording of Jelaila from October 6th, 2024, and she was talking about weather warfare with a guest speaker, a friend facing the news of an approaching hurricane. They all sounded nice enough, nothing sinister…no stated military connection, and nothing at all connected to Elena Danaan. She is, however, connected to Dr. Michal Salla, who has interviewed Jelaila three times in the last three months as an abductee/expert. I guess it’s the same GFW.
But what are the differences between The Galactic Federation of Worlds with The Galactic Federation of Light? Back to searching for more on The Galactic Federation of Worlds…look what I found from December 8, 2020, referencing a seeming whistleblower named Haim Eshed:
Eshed has a Wikipedia page:
A retired brigadier general in Israeli Military Intelligence, Eshed was director of space programs for Israel Ministry of Defense for nearly 30 years, is former chair of the Space Committee of the National Council for Research and Development for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space and a member of the steering committee of Israel Space Agency.[8][9] Eshed is responsible for the launch of 20 Israeli made satellites,[10] and he is widely cited as the father of Israel's space program.[11]
Hmmmm, Israeli Military intelligence, and the “father” of Israel’s space program? And now, a political/Trump connection? And this conference happening right before the U.S. Presidential election. These are major intelligence red flags, people! 🚩🚩🚩
I found this article, its author skeptical of the Eshed claim. She writes about a book released in 2020: The universe beyond the horizon – conversations with Professor Haim Eshed, written by author Hagar Yanai.
The book reportedly contains conversations Yanai had with Eshed including those pertaining to the Galactic Federation and the alien conspiracy theory spanning the U.S. and Israel…what’s also important here is Yanai’s history: she’s best known for being a fantasy fiction author and a two-time winner of the Geffen Award for Best Original Hebrew Fantasy.
Given the wild Galactic Federation rumours are all sourced directly from The Jewish Press (which also refers directly to Yanai’s book), it’s likely there’s been something lost in translation here. The article isn’t labelled as fiction or presented as anything other than fact but the claims it makes are unverified. Considering the classified nature of military secrets, the press releases for a new book are still a little suspicious, as is the claim the U.S. and Israeli governments know about extraterrestrial aliens living on Earth.
Just because a fiction writer writes something, doesn’t mean it isn’t also true. But…need I remind you of the similarly named conglomerate from the Star Wars world related to the Jedi Order? The below is from a Star Wars “role playing wiki” website. More on Star Wars in Part 2 of this article.
Galactic Federation Triumvirate
The Galactic Federation Triumvirate, also known as the New Galactic Federation, the New Triumvirate or simply the Triumvirate, is the dominant galactic government that came to power following the Second Imperial Civil War in 138 ABY, formed from the Alliance of the Fel Empire, the New Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance Remnant to defeat the One Sith Empire of Darth Krayt. While its member states have changed over the centuries, it continues to be the largest and most powerful state in the galaxy.
But, no! This Galactic Federation isn’t supposed to be a video game or a fantasy novel or role playing game! This isn’t the Galactic Federation of Light psy-op! That one was, per Danaan, created by bad Orion Grays to infiltrate the Great Awakening of Humanity, hijack the focus of people, distract them from what is really going on, and discredit real existing extraterrestrial organizations.
It’s NOT Star Wars…The GFW is real! It’s obvious (!). Just because Danaan’s bio reads like central casting from the Tavistock “mystical guru” stable, she’s had some weird video moments, she reminds me of my last I’m-not-a-guru guru Lisa Renee from Energetic Synthesis, and her voice is deeply hypnotic, doesn’t mean she’s not 100% authentic.
From my current view, at the center of this whole military operation, which is much larger than one conference, is a high-production effort to blur the boundaries between what is organically human and what is fantasy, for the purposes of deceptive control.
As in, when you repeat a lie-fantasy enough times, people will start to think it’s real. My head is spinning just trying to write all this out in a coherent way!
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is a success when everything the American public believes is false." William J. Casey, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1981-1987
3. These unseen advanced extraterrestrial collaborators were shown as comic book character images, yet presented as undoubtedly real and benevolent.
Much ado was made about the fact we were going to see UFO’s at the nightly skywatches, arranged as a special favor from Elena Danaan’s benevolent ET friends, mainly these two:
“Thor Han Eredyon”
“Prince Ea/Enki, Heir of the Anunnaki Empire” - [Is it just me or does this guy look CREEPY?!!!!!]
These striking alien space people were not actually present at the conference, but they were referred to often as allies from the Galactic Federation of Worlds (not Light). The Friday and Saturday evening skywatch events for UFO’s were announced as brought to us by Thor Han, and us seeing the ships was referred to all weekend as proof that Elena was who she said she was and these are in fact real and benevolent aliens, and their ships.
Several times during the conference, it was stated that all remaining aliens involved with earth are good now, and abductions/abuse from the past were carried out by mainly bad little grey aliens…and some bad reptilians.
I noted that when looking up “anunnaki” on Wikipedia, they are listed as “a group of deities”…as opposed to a group of dark tetrad colonizers like I recall in my memories involving ET’s from underground military labs (MILABs) and a space-military base.
Elena’s Federation is not to be confused with (thank you Wikipedia, which I fundamentally don’t trust, but is good for a few things):
Cry to self: Oh no, did I waste my money on an elaborate and high-production alien-spiritual military hoax on myself and others? How to tell?
Answer: Why, ask AI, of course!
⏫⏫⏫ Secret intel not safe for public consumption, so ChatGPT must deny???
This is an excerpt from a fascinating article sent to me by a UK friend on the topic:
Can you recognise the most commonly used formula for spiritual misinformation texts, so you don’t fall for it anymore?
Here is the formula, unchanged for centuries, which people around the world continue to reuse to generate spiritual misinformation and dupe the unwary.
The formula is always the same. One would think readers would quickly notice, but apparently not.
1. Absolute Statements
· Structure: Express truths categorically, as if they were indisputable.
· Detail: Use an assertive and absolute tone. For example, “Your DNA is about to be activated” or “Each moment is a portal to your Ascension”.
· Variation: Integrate concepts like the transition from 3D to 5D, the importance of planetary alignments, and cosmic transformations.
2. Resonance with the Reader
· Structure: Make statements that directly resonate with the reader’s life even though you know nothing about it. And say the same thing to each person.
· Detail: Include rhetorical questions like “You have already begun to feel the effects of this tugging, haven’t you?” to engage the reader.
· Variation: Invoke universal experiences like ascension, transformation, and the quest for energetic freedom.
3. Valuing the Reader
· Structure: Strongly value the reader without placing them too far above others.
· Detail: Affirm that the reader’s light is essential, just like that of all other awakened beings.
· Variation: Mention that the reader is an integral part of a universal movement, contributing to a collective transformation.
4. Special Dates and Moments
· Structure: Use specific dates to highlight important cosmic periods.
· Detail: “On May 18, 2024, a stellar alignment… will open a powerful energetic portal.”
· Variation: Mention astronomical or astrological events such as conjunctions, eclipses, or solstices.
5. Creatures and Invisible Places
· Structure: Reference mystical entities or places, like angels or extraterrestrials.
· Detail: Talk about “Guardians of Gaia” or “energy portals”.
· Variation: Invent and name new cosmic entities or spiritual locations to enrich the narrative.
6. Indirect Mention of the Teacher’s Powers
· Structure: Hint at special connections or knowledge to sway the reader’s belief.
· Detail: Mention encounters with ascended masters or abilities like influencing the course of events.
· Variation: Allude to communications with higher dimensions or the ability to manifest realities.
7. Promise of Easy Transformation
· Structure: Assure that significant transformations will occur without major effort on the part of the reader.
· Detail: “Everything you desire will manifest with disconcerting ease after the portal on May 18.”
· Variation: Suggest that simply being open to change will be enough for the change to manifest.
Using this formula, you can create a variety of articles that not only captivate but also discourage readers from actively pursuing their own spiritual journey. Encourage them to remain hooked on your empty promise of ascension.
The article author asked Chat GPT to create a spiritual fantasy using the seven points above, and below is the result. Would anyone fall for this?
The Awakening of the Equinox Guardians
By Aelis Nova*
Welcome, awakened travelers on the shimmering path of divine truth. Today, more than ever, your presence on this earth is a celestial blessing, for you are part of a great tapestry of light enveloping our world.
On the dawn of March 21, 2025, the equinox moment, a new chapter will open for us all. This date will mark the activation of the Great Sirius Portal, through which energies of renewal and purity will be channeled directly to those ready to receive.
Your role in this transformation is crucial, although you are one of many. Each thought you cultivate, each act of love you share adds an incandescent light to the great awakening network. You are not alone, for each awakened being contributes to this monumental change. As you pass through this portal, you will feel a deep connection with the Ascended Light Oracles, mystical guides who have waited eons to reveal to you long-hidden secrets. These revelations will elevate you beyond the veils of illusion and make you see the world in dazzling clarity.
The period following the equinox will be imbued with numerous synchronicities and divine coincidences. Be attentive to sequences like 11:11 or 22:22, which are keys to unlocking higher levels of consciousness and interconnection. Your connection to invisible forces is intensifying. Beings such as the Sages of the Violet Flame watch over your progress and subtly adjust the frequencies around you to facilitate your journey.
The promise of transformation awaiting you is remarkably simple. As soon as you cross this portal, the realisation of your most profound desires will begin to unfold naturally. It’s not necessary to force or struggle; simply being in harmony with the incoming energy will suffice to transform your reality.
The time has come to prepare your minds and hearts. The curtain between worlds is thinning, and soon, you will walk in a garden of infinite possibilities, where each step is guided by love and each breath is a song of freedom.
With love and anticipation,
Aelis Nova
*Any resemblance of Aelis to Thor Han is completely coincidental.
4. There was an unusual amount of positive audience affirmation and emphasis on how much everyone loved everyone else (“love bombing”).
Attending the GSIC was like entering a shiny, happy human-video game come alive insta-family of believers. Truly, everyone I met was happy and friendly.
Below from wikipedia:
Love bombing is an attempt to influence a person by demonstrations of attention and affection. It can be used in different ways and for either positive or negative purposes.[1] Psychologists have identified love bombing as a possible part of a cycle of abuse and have warned against it. It has also been described as psychological manipulation in order to create a feeling of unity within a group against a society perceived as hostile.[2]
Definition and analysis
The expression "love bombing" was coined by members of the Unification Church of the United Statesduring the 1970s[4] and was also used by members of the Family International.[5][6] Psychology professor Margaret Singer reported on the concept.[1] In her 1996 book, Cults in Our Midst, she writes:
As soon as any interest is shown by the recruits, they may be love bombed by the recruiter or other cult members…Love bombing is a coordinated effort, usually under the direction of leadership, that involves long-term members' flooding recruits and newer members with flattery, verbal seduction, affectionate but usually nonsexual touching, and lots of attention to their every remark. Love bombing—or the offer of instant companionship—is a deceptive ploy accounting for many successful recruitment drives.[7]
This is a common MK-ULTRA programming technique; love-bombing to induce hypnotic induction at the “magical child’ stage of mental development, from which you can tell a child there’s a Santa Claus and they will enjoy putting out milk and cookies. Or in this case, somehow make adults regress into their child-wonder mind, and instead of milk and cookies, get them to give cash. But how? Crystal crowns and UFO Skywatch awe, anyone?
Dani: “Hello all you beautiful, amazing people! I’m so proud of you!”
From what I know about programming, convincing people they are a part of something bigger than themselves, that they are special, they are family, they are loved, they are beautiful, and they will receive secret, classified information before the not-as-special (ticketless) masses – this is a very impactful hypnotic induction indeed.
Having leaders who resonate with the roles of a lively sassy jester/guide (Dani), a powerful, magical mother (Elena), a wise father (Salla), various sage, kind grandfather figures (Alex Collier, David Adair, Jerry Willis), savior sons (Tony Rodrigues, J.P.) as well as having caring father/son type dynamics (Salla and J.P., Salla and Rodrigues), and sister dynamics (Dani and Elena); these are compelling combos.
J.P.’s first words: “I love you guys! Never forget that you guys are amazing! I want to thank Dr. Michael Salla!”
A journal entry during the GSIC:
He's [J.P.] skillfully telling a very detailed story about his E.T. encounters and linking his feelings of awe with how we must have felt last night, seeing the ships. He is a world- (galaxy-) class storyteller, using advanced techniques to place his audience in scenes of fantastic space travel and alien encounters in wonderful worlds; he’s very emotionally literate - traits that might be rare in men broken emotionally by basic training and the rigors of Army life…
Salla and J.P. are sharing how the international training for pilots is bringing countries together as a global community.
And that they have access to med beds through their ET friends...and how great Elena is...and Tony is...
5. We did see military ships in the night sky, that did not look like any aircraft I recognized.
We actually saw what looked like spaceships! I sat between a hilarious woman and a quiet, nice man in a crowd of jovial onlookers. We were led in a relaxing meditation and instructed to open our hearts, while Dani aimed a laser pointer in the starry sky to signal to the ships where we were. I saw two different kinds of aircraft that didn’t look/seem like holograms. It was fun, but I left before everyone else because my headache wasn’t going away.
Later, one craft was identified as a top-secret TR-3B anti-gravity spacecraft patented and owned by the U.S. military, but authorized by Thor Han, and the two passes from birdlike clusters of craft were said to be owned and flown by the Earth Alliance…that alien-human military collaboration.
I wrote these notes during the Saturday morning announcements:
Elena gets a standing ovation for “Thor Han” bringing his ships. Scout ships were apparently from the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and the TR-3B ship was from the Earth Alliance. She stated the Earth Alliance is a collaboration between the U.S. Navy and the Federation.
Tony Rodrigues was excited; he said he's been online today telling everyone to fuck off*...standing up for his and the other conference speakers’ testimonies. He stated, unless your conference can conjure up a fleet of Unidentified Aerial Phenomemons...[guess it’s not legit]. This message has been repeated several times by Dani.
Dani describes Elena as an amazing goddess, and an honest person, and that others who are critical are just jealous of Elena, and should sit down and shut up.
Why so competitive, GSIC?
*I reached out to Tony via Instagram message request to talk with him about my experience of the conference and express concern that he might be being honey-handled (giving people everything they want, like financial backing, loving “family” support, and making them a media darling, but with a covert manipulative agenda), but I didn’t hear back.
Here is one of several post-conference YouTube videos about the sky watch: The Day the Skies Spoke: The Largest UFO Display in Human History posted September 28, 2024 – Does this look/sound like military propaganda?
“Hello everyone. The (“not manipulated in any way”) video footage you are about to see is part of the ongoing planned disclosure of Extraterrestrial Cooperation to free our world of the evil factions that have enslaved the people of earth for hundreds of years. Over 1,000 people witnessed an unforgettable event at the Westin Westminster Hotel in Westminster, Colorado, during the Galactic Spiritual Informers Connecting Event. This unprecedented mass UFO display has left the world in awe, marking a pivotal moment in humanity's journey toward full Disclosure. Could this be the moment the world can't ignore? Watch now and join the conversation about the biggest sighting in modern history.”
In conclusion, I propose five important points about the Galactic Spiritual Informer’s Connection Conference:
1. This was a military event.
2. Event speakers used repeated sophisticated psychological techniques to persuade the audience that alien beings, though not physically present, were actively collaborating with the conference.
3. These unseen advanced extraterrestrial collaborators were shown as comic book character images, yet presented as unequivocally real.
4. There was an unusual amount of positive audience affirmation and emphasis on how much everyone loved everyone else (“love bombing”).
5. We did see airships in the night sky, that did not look like any aircraft I recognized.
On first look, I’d say this sounds like a cosmic comic book cult for the vulnerable: expensive, diverting, entertaining even. However, further exploration reveals that the the GSIC conference appears to be a calculated, “honey-handler” military-sponsored brainwashing operation. I think some speakers and vendors were sincere, like adventurous passengers on the Titanic.
From my current view, at the center of this whole operation is a gleeful high-production effort blur the boundaries between what is organically human and what is fantasy, to disable critical thinking, which then enables further deception and distraction. And of course paves the way for compliance with darker agendas, like covering up crimes and transhumanism/synthetic biology.
The United States military, at its highest levels, is not our friend, our family, nor run by advanced spiritual anything, unless you count Black Magic. I believe the “White Hat rescuers” that we never see conclusively doing anything are a psyop fantasy created to ensure we do nothing. If I’m wrong, I’d be delighted. All I see is that those running the U.S. Military are guilty of profound Crimes Against Humanity — for example:
Mass kidnapping and purchasing/selling children for slaves 💔
Mass torturing/experimenting on children 💔
Mass breeding babies for sale with enslaved teens 💔
Mass raping children 💔
Mass murdering of so many, many children 💔
and those hiding from justice - no matter what planet they are from - must be stopped and held fully accountable. Those working for them and with them, who do not call for this accountability, are complicit in their ongoing agenda of mass mind control. We must not succumb to the hypnotic induction that our same old SSP/Solar Warden captors are now, without any admission of guilt nor accountability, our saviors. The corrupt organizations on this planet must be taken down from power immediately.
I conclude the Galactic & Spiritual Informer’s Connection conference was Project Mockingbird reengineered as a Live Action Role Play (LARP). I wasn’t left in awe, I was left in awful.
In closing, I do still believe in extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional beings, positively and negatively motivated. I believe multidimensional spacecraft exist. But I do not believe that the military-GSIC is the benevolent intermediary of the “only good” ET’s that remain connected with earth. This is on my website:
Oh one more thing: GSIC is next scheduled for England…let’s hope people can be warned to avoid and protest this fraud!
For an introduction to negative alien influence and abductions on humanity, see the work of Dr. David M. Jacobs: or listen to his interview, here:
In Part 2 of this article, “Is the Galactic Spiritual Informer’s Connection Conference Just a New (Masked) Makeover of the New World Order?” I’ll explore my concerns about Tony Rodrigues’ remote viewing-for corporations club and Sedona AI educational enterprise; Dr. Michael Salla and J.P.’s “happy DUMBs” brand makeover and cult/DOD-connected associates; and offer a call to action, inspired by Ally Carter, who is my antidote to the poison honey-handling of the GSIC:
P.S. HOW TIMELY/COORDINATED: Right as I was prepared to publish this post, a friend sent me a link to this new disclosure video posted 7 days ago related to UFO/UAP’s and the United States Pentagon and excerpts from a related article by Rick Scheck:
In the video below, Ross Coulthart is joined by Michael Shellenberger, an independent journalist who reveals a secret Pentagon UAP program named by a Congressional whistleblower: "Immaculate Constellation." They share details of the Special Access Program which Shellenberger says are provided in a whistleblower report provided to the U.S. Congress and the broader implications of these secretive programs.
“It is in the whistleblower report that the United States government is in possession of craft that it has itself made based on UAP’s that it has captured and apparently using antigravity as the means for propulsion.”
Ufology Update: What Are The Religious Implications of "Immaculate Constellation?" by Rich Scheck
Former CIA official, John Ramirez, introduced the term "scheduled dissemination" a few years ago to describe the process of dropping tidbits of information to a public eager for "the truth" about the UFO Phenomenon.
He also suggested that the discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope might serve as the basis for a New Human Origins Story (NHOS).
Now comes the latest Disclosure bombshell from journalist Michael Schellenberger about a secret Pentagon crash retrieval program called Immaculate Constellation (IC). I contend the use of the word "immaculate" is very telling to the extent it evokes a religious theme which echoes the Virgin Birth of Jesus, thus arguably laying the foundation for a NHOS!
This is pure speculation by me so I will wait for more information in the run-up to the November 5th election and the November 13th Congressional hearing before conjecturing further about the religious implications of this developing story unless new revelations emerge.
Suffice to say that the use of such a conspicuous biblical term as part of an important UFO Disclosure story in the context of a major war taking place in the Holy Land with scriptural prophecies playing a key role in shaping the mindset of the important leaders is most likely intentional rather than inadvertent.
As recently as last June, Israeli psychic Uri Geller asserted that UFOs were here to help Israel achieve peace.....and perhaps assist in its building the Third Temple.
Moreover, the religious theme is articulated powerfully by Horn and Putnam in their book, On The Pathways To The Immortals, wherein they warn of the danger to Christianity from the portals in DC and the Vatican from which might soon emerge entities intent on creating the "final Golden Pagan Age!"
Also worthy of consideration is the role of the Collins Elite in the Disclosure conversation ( as well as how much influence the dead Chabad leader, Rebbe Schneerson, is having on the subject as Israel's effort to accelerate eschatology [the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind] continues.
So the real agenda with this latest pronouncement remains unclear. Please remember that the entire Disclosure process over the last nearly 8 decades has been characterized by sophisticated psychological operations and outright deception by the X Protect folks in charge of sustaining secrecy.
As I previously reported, the phrase UFOs has come to stand for "unending false official narratives" rather than actual craft. The sudden introduction of the IC meme should be looked at with discernment and caution since it is arguably an October Surprise that might soon be linked to a Project BlueBeam or similar dramatic event related to the Middle East, Ukraine and/or the election.
My intuition is that we are looking at the initial chapter of the NHOS that will be part of the inevitable Cosmic Reset now unfolding across the planet:
A thorough review of the information presented is a must as we carefully watch the news headlines while simultaneously observing the skies in search of the ET presence.
Follow my daily updates at SOAAR Global News.
Hello Anastasia,
This is a superbly written piece on the event.
I have to agree with every word of detail that you explained and experienced at this “so called event!”
I believe this as a massive military industrial complex controlled conference on a huge scale especially where the money grab is concerned!
This is pure deflection away from the children and the babies that are abused, raped and murdered by the so called Elites, as it’s run by them, and this event is another cog in the wheel for distraction!
As for the 5G EMF’s that were obviously present at the time “I get it” I’m highly susceptible to those and it hurts emotionally and physically and I am sorry you had that directed towards you!
Red flags galore on symbolism I see the Illuminati triangle I also see the people involved at the top for whom they are and it’s highly disturbing and concerning.
I agree this is connected to the project mockingbird concept on all levels (white hats) #TRUMP
On that note the YouTube channels like that of AI generated are working hand in hand with GOOGLE and are not to be trusted on any level.
All the very best this is a great written piece and should be acknowledge by all that actually can see the bigger picture 🙏
Anyone interested in this should check out this VERY SLICK website. Raelians are connected to Israel, DNA, ET's and CLONING: - logo is a Star of David with a swastika in the middle...hmmm?! This affiliate site shows a timeline for building a 3D Embassy for aliens on earth...